Other Applications
Reason of Application: The rapidly developing technology widened the use of laser and offers the opportunity of faster and more secure treatments. Now it is possible to remove wrinkles, freckles, sun..
MOREReason of Application: The main principle at the removal of burn injury and Scars is to wait for the wound to ripen. This period is at least 6 months. The roughness and itchy marks are the most annoy..
MOREReason of Application: It is applied for the removal of abnormality on the body, acne, stains on the face, and wrinkles around the mouth, razor blade marks and burn scars. Operation Method: It is a..
MOREReason of Application: Telangiectasia, which are the expanded vessels that can not be seen normally, are inborn or formed during life vascular mass (hemamjion), genetic inborn stains and problems tha..
MOREA-Men: penile implants, penile surgery for the B-Women: Vulvoplasti, hymenoplasty..
MOREReason of Application: Hair loss occurs as a result of aging, hormonal changes and genetics. The rule is the sooner the hair loss starts the more hair loss you will have. Usually the male hair loss i..